Tips for building an outstanding, action-oriented lead generation landing page
Building a one-page, goal-oriented site requires a different mindset than building a multi page website. The goal of this type of site is
conversion, and every element on the page must be focused on it. This differs from a large, multipage website, which may have several different goals, including telling a company’s story, selling multiple items and services, creating long-term relationships via a blog, and more.
The specific conversion goal will vary from client to client, and landing page to landing page. Whatever the goal, everything about the site needs to be focused on achieving it.
As you fill this template with your content, keep these tips in mind.
- Keep the texts short. They should be readable at a glance.
- Ensure the visitor can answer the question: “What’s in it for me?”
- Use a consistent Call to Action for each button. (You may have multiple buttons, but they should all have the same message).
- Keep the lead capture form lean. Don’t ask for details that don’t matter.
- Choose relevant, riveting images.
For more tips on designing landing pages that convert, read