DudaFlex is the powerful, next-generation editing capability that enables you to build fully responsive, pixel-perfect sites in half the time. In addition to adding Flex Sections to any website, you can also start from a template built with Flex.

You’ve got 3 modern, beautiful Flex templates to choose from, and more on the way!

Creative Agency Template

Photographer Template

Empty Flex Template

This one-page template is perfect for clients with any type of creative agency. With a minimalistic dark design, overlapping sections, and smooth animations, it’s ideal for highlighting your client’s strengths and projects. 

The template gives visitors a smooth, high-impact experience on scroll. In the Projects section, each project is displayed with a nested flexbox in a container that features an image with overlapping text, design techniques that are natural and easy in Flex mode. To add more projects, simply duplicate the container and replace the content and images. 

Things to love about this template 

  • Really big fonts that grab visitors’ attention. 
  • Animations highlighting awards and team members. 
  • Background video that creates movement and excitement. 
  • Great-looking product page for showing off project highlights.
  • Attractive hero images with overlapping elements.

This template is excellent for clients with portfolios that they want to show off. Because it’s built with Flex, it allows for immense design flexibility, so images can be placed anywhere on the screen, overlapping with each other, freely and beautifully.


Things to love about this template 

  • Design allows for plenty of photos. 
  • Photos can be arranged so that they overlap, for maximum creativity
  • Subtle and smooth animations.
  • On the Journal page, the combination of containers and flexboxes enables images to be arranged any way that you like. 

This template is a great starting point for your own pixel-perfect designs using DudaFlex.  It includes four pages and simple navigation.

Great reasons to choose this template 

  • You already know what you want to design. 
  • You prefer to start from scratch and set things up on your own.
  • You want to explore Flex capabilities.

July 21, 2021
Maayan Mor


New Flex Templates

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