CLS Improvements
Problem: Photo gallery layout shifting
Photo galleries can vary in height due to the wide range of the number of images that can be added, and the possible sizes of each image. Also, Photo Gallery widgets load dynamically, based on their settings.
Solution: Set min-height
Duda sets the min-height CSS property of the Photo Gallery, to reserve space on the page for loading the Photo Gallery. This prevents content below the gallery from being pushed down as the images load, something which would cause the layout to shift.
Problem: Image layout shifting
Image loading is the biggest cause of layout shifting on the web, because browsers have no way of knowing the dimensions/size of an image before it's fully downloaded. So, once an image is actually downloaded, browsers load and shift all content around it.
Solution: Add image width & height
Duda automatically identifies the width and height of an image, and sets these attributes on the image HTML tag, allowing browsers to reserve the right amount of space while the image downloads.
Setting height and width does not make an image non-responsive. Instead, browsers use the image’s width/height attributes for calculating its aspect ratio so images automatically take up the correct space.
Problem: Loading above-the-fold fonts Nearly every website today includes some form of custom fonts, usually from Google’s huge Font Library. Fonts are often big and heavy, and browsers usually first load a system font, such Arial, Georgia, Sans, etc. Once the custom font is done loading, the browser adds the custom font, something which causes the font to jump on the website, and has a negative impact on the visitor’s experience.
Solution: Embed fonts
Duda automatically detects which custom fonts are used in above-the-fold content on each page, downloads that font, and embeds it directly into the HTML of the page (up to a max size of 50kb). This means browsers don’t need to go and fetch the custom font, and can display it immediately.