New Paragraph

New Paragraph

Notify store customers about their refunded order

Edit text faster with quick AI Content Assistant actions

We’ve added new quick edit suggestions right into the AI Content Assistant dialog box, to allow you to shorten, lengthen, and improve text better and faster.

To give an example, if your suggested text is longer than expected, you can easily ask the Assistant to cut it short right here at the click of a button, without needing to re-select the text and open Assistant's text menu all over again.

An added bonus: these actions are also available when generating SEO meta tags for individual fields (only title or description).

New! Change workspaces to easily work on all your accounts

We’ve added the option to quickly log in to other workspaces you might need to when working on multiple accounts.

Your Duda profile menu now includes the option to Change Workspace. Opting for this option will show you the available accounts, and clicking each of these will put you through the login to the other account.

More code customization power with your Dynamic Pages

We've added the ability to add inline binding to a page's head HTML. Until now you could connect a Dynamic Page's meta title and meta description to the site’s internal collection, to dynamically show metadata for each page item.

So what’s new? You can now add other metadata, and insert custom code to the Dynamic Page's head HTML. Another option that’s now possible is to connect Content Library fields to the <head> section of regular (non-Dynamic) site pages.

That's it for this month's Wrap Up. We hope you find these useful. Got an idea or a feature request? Stop by our Idea Board and post it.

Notify store customers about their refunded order

Edit text faster with quick AI Content Assistant actions

We’ve added new quick edit suggestions right into the AI Content Assistant dialog box, to allow you to shorten, lengthen, and improve text better and faster.

To give an example, if your suggested text is longer than expected, you can easily ask the Assistant to cut it short right here at the click of a button, without needing to re-select the text and open Assistant's text menu all over again.

An added bonus: these actions are also available when generating SEO meta tags for individual fields (only title or description).

New! Change workspaces to easily work on all your accounts

We’ve added the option to quickly log in to other workspaces you might need to when working on multiple accounts.

Your Duda profile menu now includes the option to Change Workspace. Opting for this option will show you the available accounts, and clicking each of these will put you through the login to the other account.

More code customization power with your Dynamic Pages

We've added the ability to add inline binding to a page's head HTML. Until now you could connect a Dynamic Page's meta title and meta description to the site’s internal collection, to dynamically show metadata for each page item.

So what’s new? You can now add other metadata, and insert custom code to the Dynamic Page's head HTML. Another option that’s now possible is to connect Content Library fields to the <head> section of regular (non-Dynamic) site pages.

That's it for this month's Wrap Up. We hope you find these useful. Got an idea or a feature request? Stop by our Idea Board and post it.

New Title

New Title

New Title

New Title

New Title

New Paragraph

You can now connect the table widget to any collection. With collections you can easily manage the content of the table: reorder rows, use Airtable & Google Sheets to populate tables with content, add an image and a rich text column and exceed the table widget's 30X30 limit.

If a site consists of a dynamic page, that’s connected to the same collection as the table, each row will be linked to the dynamic page item by default.

The following field types are supported: Rich text, Plain text, Image, Link, Number, Date & Time, Email, Phone and Multi-select.

How to connect a table widget

  1. Create a collection in the Content Library
  2. Add a table widget to the site via the Widgets Panel
  3. Right-click on the table widget and click on “Connect to data”
  4. Select a collection from the dropdown
  5. Select the required fields from the “Fields to display” dropdown. The order of the columns in the table is equivalent to the order of selection.

Use case: Workout Sessions Pricing Tables

Let’s say a fitness studio approached you to create a website. They would like to have the site present a list of available sessions, when they'll take place, number of participants, price, etc. Clicking on a session in the list should navigate to a registration page.

To do so, create a Classes collection with all the requested details (time, price, etc). Add a table widget to a page and connect it to the Classes collection. If you'd like to show only sessions that are still available, use a collection filter to display only rows where the “Availability” field is set to “Available”.

Use case: Students Contact Info Page

Let’s say a customer of yours requested you to add a student contact info page to their website. They'd like to present the name of the student, an image, birthday date, contact details and allergies. This information is managed in a Google Sheet by the school administration.

To display the information in the site, create a Students collection from the Google Sheet. Add a table widget to a page and connect it to the collection.

Create a dynamic page that’s connected to the Students collection. The table will automatically link to the dynamic page. Clicking on a row that represents a student, will navigate to the relevant dynamic page item.

April 10, 2022
Tal Levi


Connected Data: Table Widget

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